2.L - Other Production, Consumption, Storage, Transportation or Handling of Bulk Products

Last updated on 29 Aug 2019 09:29 (cf. Authors)

NFR-Code Name of Category Method AD EF Key Category 1
2.L Other Production, Consumption, Storage, Transportation or Handling of Bulk Products see sub-chapters L & T: PM2.5 & PM10, TSP
consisting of / including source categories
2.L(a) Handling of bulk products
2.L(b) Diffuse emissions from industrial establishments

Short description

Within the NFR tables, category 2.L is displayed to include emissions from "other production, consumption, storage, transportation or handling of bulk products". Here, Germany reports particulate matter (PM) emissions from both the handling (loading and unloading) of bulk goods as well as diffuse PM emissions from industrial establishments.

Therefore, in the understanding of the inventory compiler, respective emissions from storage, handling and transport of mineral, chemical and metal products (NFRs 2.A.5.b, 2.B.10.b und 2.C.7.d) are included here.

Even though these emissions are reported as a sum under NFR 2.L, the party here separately provides additional data and information regarding emission from the handling of bulk products and from industrial establishments.

For detailed information on the methods, activity data and emission factors applied for the two underlying emission sources, please refer to the sub-chapters linked above!

Discussion of emission trends

NFR 2.L is key category for emissions of PM2.5, PM10, and TSP.

In general, diffuse particulate matter emissions depend strongly on the amounts of dry bulk goods handled and transported. In addition, due to efforts to prevent such particle emissions, the time series of the emission factors applied for all three fractions of particulate matter show a falling trend.

For information on recalculations and planned improvement, please see the sub-chapters linked above.

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